Michelle McNamee
Hi yall! My name is Michelle McNamee and I’m a professional figure competitor, personal trainer and firefighter. I’ve been in the sports industry for 15 years, with a recent focus of fitness and competitive bodybuilding the past 4. I played club indoor volleyball in high school, college D1 beach volleyball up to grad school, and professionally overseas. I also have competed in the Firefighter Combat Challenge across the US, placing top 3 amongst some of the strongest athletes in the world. I couldn’t have reached any of these achievements without my coaches, friends or family. I want to pass down my love and passion of fitness, experience and knowledge to help others reach their own ambitions like my mentors have helped me. Whether it is simply getting in shape and leaning up, to training to pass the physical agility test for work, nutrition plans, to competition prep, sports performance and hypertrophy training or strength training, my mission is to help individuals better themselves physically and mentally, and achieve their unique fitness aspirations.
General health & weight loss
Strength training
Volleyball Sports performance
Fit for duty training
Competition Prep
Contact me at
email: Michelle.mcnamee@my.tccd.edu
Instagram message: @michelle_mcnamee_ifbbpro